Gopher Athletics Wheel Club
The University of Minnesota Athletic Department sponsors a courtesy car program, known as the Wheel Club, where limited departmental personnel receive the use of an automobile. In return, the dealer receives a trade in the value of Athletic Department advertising, game tickets, and parking privileges to sporting events.

Benefits for Wheel Club Members
- Season Tickets for: Football, Men's Basketball, Men's Hockey, Volleyball, Women's Basketball, and Women's Hockey
- Away game ticket priority (upon availability)
- Scheduled pre-game hospitality
- Postseason ticket opportunities (upon availability)
- Recognition on scoreboards at home events
- Positive association with the University of Minnesota
- Meet and personally get to know our coaches and staff

Click here for more information on the Gopher Athletics Wheel Club program, or contact:

Elizabeth Walters, Director of Development Operations
Gopher Athletics is grateful to area auto dealers who help promote and enhance its sports programs by providing a courtesy car to coaches and staff members. Thank you to the following automobile dealers for their support of the Gophers.